President’s Report
KKN Board Meeting
Ethel Belway
March, 2017
Aloha Homeowners,
Management Changes
During the past year we have had many changes at Kihei Kai Nani including our management personnel. The board held a special board meeting to rehire Debbie Collins for the front office. We also interviewed and hired Johnny Johnson, as our new site manager. At DMI, Nancy Price ,who was the Vice President, retired at the end of July. Nancy had been our account executive many years ago. DMI expanded their company, and we will be assigned our third new DMI account executive, John Sullivan, since last year.
Board of Directors
Our Board has had some losses also this past year. First, Jamie Murusick sold his unit and had to resign in May. The board decided to wait until the homeowners meeting to replace him, not realizing the unforeseen events that would happen. Sadly, our Vice President, Larry Lowery, became ill in October and passed away in December. Finally, Howard Jones had to resign from the Board for personal reasons, so we had to replace 4 directors at the January 2017 homeowners meeting.
Our new Board members are:
Jose Placencia 2017-2020 Treasurer
Wayne Braid 2017-2020 Director
Pat Hoskin 2017-2020 Director
DiAnne Durosseette 2017-2019 Director
Many projects were completed during the past year. We have repaired plumbing stacks in 4 units and a broken water supply line to the main line in the driveway for building 9 and 10 during the New Year’s Eve weekend.
At the January 25,2017 Board Meeting, it was decided to finish installing the last two water lines under the driveway for buildings 11, 12 and 13. Before we could schedule it for low season, the water supply line for building 11 sprang a leak the first week of February and had to be replaced. Since the plumber was on property, the water line replacement was also completed for Building 12 and 13. Now all the water lines for the buildings in the complex have been replaced and connected to the main water line in the driveway.
Sewer Lines
In 2015 a report from a contractor made us question the condition of our sewer lines under each building, including the office. A plumber was hired to video, scope and cable the sewer lines to examine their condition. The Inspection did not reveal any major cracks or problems in the lines under the buildings. He determined they should have a useful life for a number of years. We are continuing to work on the clean outs at the end of each building. A 35 foot section of sewer line had to be replaced at the end of building 13. We also had a small repair at building 3 where a root had grown into the sewer line. A big aloha to owner Jeff Kern for his contributions to the project. Jeff has made DVD’s of all the plumbing work and made a diagram of the repairs for future use.
High Risk Components
This summer we will be completing a high-risk component inspection of each unit. We hope to prevent more leaks that cause extensive damage to the units. A controlled repair is much less expensive and easier to do. We will let owners know when this will occur so they can plan ahead. Each inspection should only take 15-20 minutes.
Pool Fence
Last Spring the fence contractor finally finished installing the new pool fence. The pool gates now have combination locks to enter and leave the pool. We also changed the laundry room door to the pool and installed a combination lock on the laundry side of the door. The office will give guests the combination to the pool when they register.
Flooding on Property
Our renovated pool wall, which was completed before the fence was installed, served us well during the recent rain storms that flooded the driveway and brought with it a huge amount of mud and debris. The December 9, 2016 storm occurred at 7:30 PM without any warning, so sand bags were not out. Some dirt entered the pool from the drain holes in the cement fence. To solve the problem, our new manager, Johnny Johnson, built slider doors over each hole to prevent rain water from entering the pool in future storms. When the pool deck needs to be cleaned the doors can be lifted to let the wash water out
Much work has been done to update the landscaping. Tragically, Tom, our Island Plant rep, was killed in a traffic accident in January. Pat Hoskin, our new Landscape Committee Chairperson, called a meeting last week to discuss areas that still need to be improved this year. Thom Foster, owner of Island Plant attended and brought the new landscape manager Casey assigned to manage the daily workers. Last November, the Island Plant contract was updated and bare spots on the property were replanted. The hedges behind building 9,11, and 12 were pruned and new plants and grass now fill in the empty areas. The hedge pruning has helped the grass grow and fill in the empty spots since sunlight can now get in.
Walking Deck Repairs
Walking deck resurfacing for building 8-360 is finished, and the building 12-334 walking deck is now being worked on. Building 6-349 deck is scheduled for April 15, New drainage openings are being installed in each walking deck, so each deck will now have 3-4 drains instead of 2 for better drainage during storms. Each walking deck will also be leveled before the resurfacing material is applied.
Replacement of Office Roof
We will be replacing the office roof (next to the pool) because of serious termite damage. The board has hired an architect to draw up the plans, obtain permits and estimates for the replacement. We are hoping to replace it this summer.
Garbage Bins Relocation
The garbage containers have been repositioned on the complex, and we discontinued the recycling program on property except for Hi 5 plastic bottles, aluminum cans and small glass bottles. The former recycling program costs had increased substantially because we were being charged additional fees to separate items before they were dumped in their truck.
Lot 1A
The Board and Lot 1A committee has been very busy working with Tom Pierce, our attorney. A mediation meeting with Victory Development and our Lot 1A Committee was held on Friday January 27, 2017. The mediation settlement allowed Kihei Kai Nani to purchase Lot 1A for $1.5 million. We sent a detailed letter to each owner explaining our decision and have held 2 information meetings for owners to ask questions. Nearly 60 owners either attended or phoned in to get their questions answered. The positive response was overwhelming. Only one owner was against the purchase. We have also heard from other owners who could not attend the meetings. So far 84 owners have approved the purchase. The cost to each unit will be $8500. We will be sending out a ballot to owners soon that will ask their approval for the purchase. It will also offer options for payment. We will need 67% approval (120 units). Please respond quickly when your ballot arrives, as we would like to complete the sale as soon as possible.
On behalf of the Board, I wish all owners a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017.
Ethel Belway, President
Kihei Kai Nani, Board of Directors