Site Manager’s Report
June, 2020
Projects and Repairs May & June 2020
While we still have the occupancy down due to the Covid-19 the maintenance staff has been able to catch up on a few more project for May & June.
Pool: All 3 pool lights, power serge and burnt out bulbs were replaced.
The pool area is still maintained every day.
Landscaping: A large lawn mower was rented to cut down all the wild grass in Lot 1A before the summer heat dries it out, and hopefully prevent any fires. (pictures were included in the Newsletter)
Golf Cart: The old Golf Cart by Lot1 A was successfully hauled off the property.
Bikes: Cleaned out the bike area & removed 7 bikes with out kkn tags (rusted)
A new light sensor was put on the front office building for security.
A new door was installed that goes from the pool area to the laundry room.
Pavilion: We are in the process of replacing all the wooden beaches at the pavilion the old ones have been rotting out.
Kenny Laborte returned to work on June 1, 2020
– Johnny Johnson, Site Manager