Landscape update from Patricia Hoskin

Hello owners, and a big HELLO to new owners. This is Patricia Hoskin, your landscaping chairman. If you missed the last landscaping meeting, I will mention a few things.
- The association has landscaping meetings, and the notice will be posted by the office. These generally occur the Monday before the board meeting. That said, we will not be having one before our March meeting.
- To communicate with the landscapers to let them know of any problems (like a sprinkler off, or not aiming correctly) the owner should fill out a form in the office, in the green folder. Our office employee can point it out. Jeremiah will check this folder on Wednesdays.
- We are in the last part of the office/laundry room remodel. That means that the landscaping will be started about March first. Now if it does not start that date, do not panic. This plan was approved by the prior board.
Please do not ask the employees to move the plants from where they are placing them.
- The Aretha palms on the slope about the transformer will grow, we might add more.
- We are now also starting the project by B 9 and the car wash. Two dead and dying trees have been removed. We will be replacing the rainbow shower tree with another.
- There will be shrubs planted along the new cement facing the circle when the project is complete.
- We will also be replacing plants by the south fence which were damaged by the December storm.
- I do try to grow orchids up by B 8. I water them so I need them close to me. If you buy orchids and they stop blooming, please donate them to me. I will put them outside, so people can view them when they next bloom, rather than throwing them away. Orchids can be left in the office.