Kihei Kai Nani AOAO


LITTLE FIRE ANTS INVADING HAWAII Reported in “Hawaii Landscape” Magazine December/January Issue 2011/2012 Little Fire Ant (LFA), is an invasive stinging ant that is spreading across the Hawaiian islands.  The first infestation of LFA were discovered on Hawaii’i island in 1999.  LFA have hitchhiked on material from infested areas and are now spreading across the Big Island.  Newly introduced and controllable colonies of LFA’s have been found on Kaua’i and Maui. LFA’s are small, slow-oving ants averaging 1/16″ in size.  They are long as a penny is thick. They nest in trees and in leaf litter on the ground and

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TSUNAMI’S   It can be many miles long, from 1 to 100 feet high, traveling at 400 miles per hour. This ocean monster is known as a tsunami and it can wreak havoc on coastal populations and landscapes. A tsunami is a series of ocean waves caused by any large and sudden disturbance of the sea surface. Tsunamis can be generated by landslides, volcanic eruptions, or even meteorite impacts in the ocean. But they are most often caused by an earthquake where there’s a sudden displacement of the ocean floor. When that happens, there’s a transfer of energy from the seafloor to the ocean, causing waves on the surface to radiate outward in all directions. In

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AMERICAN RED CROSS For Assistance with Disaster Relief Please call Maui (808) 244-0051 MAKE A PLAN Meet with your family or household members. Discuss how to prepare and respond to emergencies that are most likely to happen where you live, learn, work and play. Identify responsibilities for each member of your household and plan to work together as a team. If a family member is in the military, plan how you would respond if they were deployed. Plan what to do in case you are separated during an emergency Choose two places to meet: ? Right outside your home in case

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Lot 1A Purchase Option

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT – February 24, 2017 Option to Purchase Lot 1A  ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF APARTMENT OWNERS OF KIHEI KAI NANI ALOHA, FELLOW OWNERS: As you are aware, Victory Development Nani Loa LLC announced its intention to develop a 39-unit hotel complex on the property directly above our property (“Lot 1A”), including a plan to use our parking lot for construction traffic, and for its utilities, as well as for long-term access for the hotel occupants. The construction and long-term use of the hotel complex would seriously harm our property and each

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Smoke Detectors

Please ask housekeepers to check smoke detectors in your unit routinely to ensure guests have not unplugged them and they are in good working order.  This helps to protect you from potential damage.  Annual changing of batteries should be implemented January1st every year to prevent dead batteries and smoke detectors that are not functional.

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KKN Landscape Committee

Aloha KKN Owners, As you now know the Landscaping Committee has been reestablished at KKN. Our mission is to further enhance the beauty of our landscaping by involving owners in the process.  We are in the process of developing both a short and long range plan. You will have an opportunity to make suggestions for new plants right here on our website, as well as to tell the committee if you see any problems that need correction.  Island Plant will advise us what new plants will do well on our property, give us the cost, and do the work! We

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Plumbing Update – February, 2015

KKN Plumbing Update February, 2015 In November John Longmire and I attended a Condominium Council of Maui seminar on the topic of aging  plumbing in condominiums presented by a project management firm from Oahu involved in plumbing renovation work. It was a timely topic, as we have been experiencing several pipe breaks over the past few years.  We learned that the cast iron pipe installed in the 60’s and 70’s is failing all across the Islands. In Hawaii it lasts between 35 to 50 years; KKN is about 45 years old.  Oahu is about 10 years ahead of us in

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