Site Manager’s Report
February 1 to March 31, 2021
Projects and Repairs
The following is a partial list of the projects and repairs that we have completed over the past few months.
- Building #8 the units #163, #263, and #363 just had the main drains replaced as serval of the pipes cracked.
- Building #4 units #223 and #123 had the main drain pipes replaced.
- There was a minor leak from unit #219 into unit #119, building 4.
- The Scheduling was made for May 2021 for the deck replacement for unit #321 as it leaked into unit #222 and unit #223.
- Another palm tree was removed behind building three (3) it was leaning, and some owners thought it might fall.
- There was work being done in building 9, unit #273. So, Gus LED Maui checked and repaired the pipes for that unit.
- We received the OK to replace the electrical boxes on the back of building 5 and 6. This project will start next week and then we can install the new transformer.
- I have discussed with Ethel, Jeff, Barry, and Gus about changing the walkway going to the laundry room entrance by building 6 to give more room for planting in front of the new electrical panels. (still in discussion)
- We now have the new Pool Rules posted on the office/pool wall.
- Replaced the plants on the end of the pool fence next to building 6.
- The new driveway is finished being surfaced and striped.
- The Kihei Kai Nani sign on the guard shack had fallen and broke. It is now repaired and has been put back up.
- I purchased another Golf Cart for the property for the cost of $500.00. It is a nice upgrade.
- I have had the tree over the Pavilion trimmed by Island Plant.
- I am trying to get the other two trees that are hanging over buildings 12 and 13 trimmed.
- I had the backflow system inspected last month, and all is good.
– Johnny Johnson, Site Manager